[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When one thinks of the Caribbean it is typical to visualise sand, sea, sunshine and swaying palm trees. However a few have the privilge to discover what lies behind the stunning coastline, catch a glimpse of the soul of the country and meet its beautiful people.

Our guided walking tours expose the members of small groups to the real essence of our beautiful island and allow the most discerning travellers to discover St. Lucia’s best kept secrets while exploring the undiscovered countryside of the island’s heartland.

Wander around our lovely island and relive the turbulent past of the Helen of the West admiring the remains of look-out points and forts scattered all around. Stroll along the colourful country-roads, see the capital city of Castries, venture into the lush rainforest  or push your boundaries and hike the majestic twin peaks.

Join us in this enriching journey of discovery, a great opportunity to know the stories, the places and the people that make Saint Lucia the unique and exotic island that it is.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]