[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Easter is one of the most awaited Christian festivals and every nation has its own way of celebrating this particular time. While many families are decorating eggs or sharing chocolate bunnies, St. Lucia’s tradition of making “accra”, eating “penepis” and kite flying are the ways this island celebrates Easter.

While the days of Holy Week are the most solemn on the St. Lucian calendar, it is on Good Friday and Easter Sunday that traditions are most evident.  On Good Friday, fish cake, locally known as “accra”, is widely prepared and enjoyed by everyone.  It mainly consists of shredded fish mixed into a batter and deep-fried.  “Penepis”, another favourite is served in place of dessert – as such indulgences are not permitted on that day. It is thin oval biscuit heavily spiced with ginger and worth the sacrifice.

Although kite flying is not a popular pastime on the island, at Easter one can see the myriad of colours in the sky as families take to air their beautifully-crafted kites.  In times gone, the youth was forced to create their kites from coconut sticks, colorful paper, plastic bags and pieces of cloth, however kite kits are now available at local shops.

Local tradition coupled with gorgeous weather put a unique tropical spin on the holiday’s religious celebrations.  As a visitor, spending Easter in St. Lucia is a warm and fun-filled experience.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]