[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With its vibrant masquerade bands, pulsating music and spectacular costumes, St. Lucia’s festival of colour comes alive. Carnival originated from the Latin expression “Carnem Levare” (to remove meat), was historically celebrated in pre-Lent time, but over a decade ago moved to July.

The festivities commence with the traditional “Opening of Carnival” and proceed with a variety of Soca music competitions, Calypso shows and of course the long- awaited Carnival Queen Pageants. Many people begin their Carnival marathon at the famous J’Ouvert/ “Break of Dawn” in the night before Carnival.

The Carnival devils of J’Ouvert disappear with the rising sun, making way for the colourful costume bands in the Monday and Tuesday Parade. Modern costume bands of revelers dance to the beat of fine, rhythmic strands of calypso and soca music in the streets of the City under the afternoon sun.

The two day parade begins at 11:00am each day and finishes at 7:00pm. If you’re visiting, it is a great time to experience a unique part of St. Lucia’s afro-centric culture.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]