[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Saint Lucia Tourist Board has appointed a new board of directors to oversee the organization’s operations for the next two years. The Board of Directors is comprised of Agnes Francis (Chairperson), Leathon Khan (Deputy Chairperson), Mark Maraj, Erwin Louisy, Winston Anderson, Mark Adams, Carmelita Xavier, Sanovnick Destang, Celestin Laurent, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, and Louis Lewis.

These board members have the knowledge, experience and expertise in all spheres of tourism and have all declared that they are committed to this challenging and significant task ahead. The newly appointed chairperson has expressed confidence that the new board will be able to establish a platform for tourism to spur development in Saint Lucia[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]