[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Monday 22 April 2013, across the world, communities are celebrating UNESCO World Earth Day: an annual event to urge public and political support for environmental protection. Held for the first time in 1970, Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and is celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.

Tree planting is probably the most popular event on Earth Day and this year Barefoot Holidays DMC St. Lucia is excited to join “Plant a Site Forest”, a commendable environmental initiative launched by SITE Florida. Barefoot Holidays DMC’s contribution to the SITE Forest is a beautiful and rare species of “Pinus Cembra”, a type of Christmas tree that our Green Team planted in the gardens of our new proposed Headquarters, amidst a rich array of tropical fruits and flowering plants.


Trees are a symbol of life.  Planting is an act of putting down roots and contributing to the future. The deep-rooted meaning of trees is clear in common metaphors such as the Tree of Life and our ancestral heritage depicted in genealogical trees.

The importance of the tree as a symbol of life is recognized across different cultures and can be found in many myths and legends. Its roots under the ground, its trunk in the world of humans and its top-most branches touching the sky clearly represent growth and development.


Not only trees are a symbol of life, trees ARE LIFE! Let’s have a look at some benefits that they have on the natural environment:


  • Absorb carbon dioxide and filter pollution from the air
  • Help keep water supply pure
  • Prevent soil erosion & reverse the impacts of land degradation
  • Create shade & cooling allowing a lower energy use
  • Give shelter from wind and rain
  • Provide habitat for birds and other wildlife for animals
  • Add beauty in a world where green is being replaced by grey
  • Lower stress in people

We are aware that the planting of a tree is only a small drop in the ocean;  There are measures and actions which need to be undertaken within the United Nations system, by national governments and by local authorities. However, individual action is necessary and important in the protection of biodiversity and even the planting of a tree is an important sign of respect and act of kindness towards Mother Nature.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]