Easter in the Caribbean

Go eat some Easter bun! Go to church! Fly a kite!

Easter is a perfect time to vacation in the Caribbean.  The March break crowds have gone, the beautiful dry season has begun, and the weather is simply gorgeous. The Easter weekend is celebrated with great fanfare, good food and good fun. Visitors can expect to marvel in the unconventional traditions of the islands. Many of the Easter customs stem from the region’s deep seated Christian beliefs and make for an interesting discovery.

Religious Roots

The dominant religion throughout the Caribbean is Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism. No matter where you go in the Caribbean, you are sure to find a lot of churches as many island residents are quite devout. As such, Easter celebrations in the Caribbean are quite established.

Let’s Go to the Beach

Christianity mixed with myth and local folklore is very common on the islands. While this Caribbean legend may not be too popular with visitors, the tradition in some places holds that if you step into the ocean on Good Friday, you will turn into a fish. With this being a bit far-fetched, others simply say it is bad luck to go to the beach. Although most people at the moment don’t believe that to be true, you’ll still find that the locals will avoid the beach on Good Friday.

Regardless, on some islands like the Bahamas, Easter weekend is traditional ‘back to the beach’ time as the Atlantic waters finally warm up enough for everyone to go swimming.

Good Friday & Fish

This takes the tradition of eating fish on Friday to a whole new level. Where on Friday the island people could only eat fish and vegetables, Codfish cakes, grilled Snapper and plenty of yams will make the other dishes.

Easter Treats

One of the most eagerly anticipated factors of the Easter weekend and, undoubtedly the most shared across the Caribbean, is good food. Easter dinner is a wonderful part of Easter celebrations. Traditionally, Christians have avoided red meat on Good Friday, and it is certainly not missed in the least here in the Caribbean, where fresh fish and shellfish play an important role in Easter feasts.  Many local bakeries will also offer special Easter buns, made with spices and dried fruit and raisins. Another popular dish during this period and a flat, crispy ginger biscuit called Penepis, which can be widely found in St Lucia at this time.

Let’s Fly High

Making and Flying kites is a popular pastime year-round in the Caribbean and a serious tradition practiced during the Easter holiday. These events feature impressive creations, with massive kites emblazoned with creative designs. Visitors will love seeing the colorful display against the blue sky. Numerous competitions are held to determine the best kite of the day, taking into consideration build quality, design and colour.

If you are visiting St. Lucia or any other Caribbean island at Easter be sure to take in some of the traditional activities at that time.

Also read Easter in St Lucia